Interactive Map of Russia

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What this interactive map of Russia in English shows? Oblasts (regions), krais (territories), and republics of the Russian Federation. In addition, respective administrative center of the oblasts and krais and capitals of the republics are marked with circles. The cities of Moscow (the capital of Russia) and St. Petersburg (often called the second capital of Russia) are marked with large red dots.

If you plan to travel to Russia, you may get some useful information from photos and brief descriptions of the regions. Click on each region on the map and a pop-up window with the photo and description will show up. Moreover, the map is based on the new Russian administrative-territorial system as of 2008. The point is that 2003 to 2008 where the years of the merger of Russian regions. As a result, their number decreased from 89 to 83.

Since this site is devoted to translations and languages, I've also collected data on the Russian language and other state languages and languages with the official status that are spoken in Russia. Hover your mouse over each region to see its name and the percentage of the population that speak Russian.

It should be noted that the vast majority of the population speak the Russian language which is the only state language of the Russian Federation. However, several regions have additional state languages used locally. These regions are marked with violet color on the map. The pop-up windows contain the data on the percentage of the population that speak these languages.

On this map of Russia, you can also see some regions marked with grayish olive. These are the regions where languages with the official status are used. (Languages with the official status are languages that can be used by local governments in the places of residence of native speakers of these languages.)

Despite the large number of additional state languages and languages with the official status, you should order translations into Russian, as a rule, if you need to translate documents for the Russian market.

Zoom and drag features are available to make your exploration of the map convenient.

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Other world maps available on the site:

Map of Ukraine

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Those who love Russia call this country great and mighty. No matter what your personal attitude to Russia is, you can't deny that it is a HUGE country, rich in natural and human resources, diverse in terms of languages and cultures. I wish I had more photos to illustrate the map of Russia. Because a picture (a photo) is worth a thousand words.

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