Language Translation: Get Translation That Works
With the Language Translation Help provided here, you will avoid the frustration of buying the wrong translation. Do a quick search to find the answer to your question.
Russian Ukrainian
Need a translation? OK, why bother? Call a couple of translation companies to find out their rates in a language pair of interest to you and choose the most cost-effective option.
After having your text translated, you are done with this challenge. End of story, right? Often, not quite.
If the translation has mistakes or does not meet the required standard, you may get in trouble. Translation errors can cost the loss of money, customers, reputation… Yes, they can be costly, even fatal.
Buying a translation is often a source of stress. Where to order? How to be sure that the translation is good?
If you are looking for answers to these and other burning questions, if you have already had discouraging experiences with language service providers, let Language-Translation-Help.com be your personal guide in the translation jungle.
The importance of appropriate translation should not be underestimated. If it is, one risks getting a translation that does not work. For example: |
- A few years ago, tourism officials in Israel issued a sightseeing brochure, which they had translated into English. Many thousands of copies of that brochure were distributed among tourists telling the latter: “Jerusalem. There is no such city!”. However, the correct translation should have read: "Jerusalem. There is no city like it!".
- An inaccurately translated Russia-Georgia ceasefire agreement complicated conflict resolution. That agreement was signed to stop a war conflict between Russia and Georgia in summer 2008. A French original of the agreement spoke of security "in" South Ossetia and Abkhazia (two Georgian breakaway regions), while a Russian translation said about security “for” those regions. Based on that difference in translation, Russia established buffer zones not envisaged by the original agreement.
To avoid frustration, stress and unnecessary expenses when dealing with language translation, use pieces of advice offered on this website. They are based on accepted translation standards, common sense and 20+ years of my work experience as a professional translator.
As the old Latin proverb says: "Forewarned, forearmed." The seven translation tips (navbar buttons 1 through 7 in the navigation menu) include basic information for those users and buyers of language translation services who are serious about getting translation that works.
I encourage you to dig even deeper into 130+ pages of this website. Find the information you need using the SiteSearch tool. Are you a translation professional and have YOUR OWN translation tip for translation clients? Share it!
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- Language Translation SiteSearch
- Language-Translation-Help.com is all about language translation services, best practices, standards, and rates. Search this information here.
- Language Translation Blog
- The Language Translation Blog keeps you up-to-date with tips for translation customers published on the language-translation-help.com website as well as with additions to this website. Subscribe here.
- Assessment of Foreign Language Translation Needs
- What are your translation needs? Before entering into the jungle of foreign language translation, a nonlinguist, who is charged with buying a translation, should know exactly what he/she wants.
- Language Diversity: Communication Through Translation
- The more language diversity is taken into consideration in translation decisions the more adequate your translated text will be.
- Language Translator: Overview of Translators Available on Market
- A translation project can be a top or a flop – much depends on a language translator that you have chosen.
- They Translate Language. You Get Involved.
- Translation companies translate language. How a translation buyer can prepare to and participate in the translation process to avoid translation errors and pitfalls?
- Language Translation Service and Translation Parameters
- The efficiency of language translation service depends on translation parameters set. Build this foundation in advance to get a professional translation product that meets your expectations.
- Lowering Translation Fees
- We try to pay as little as possible for everything, including translation services. But if we want an adequate translation, we can't cut corners. However, ways to reduce translation fees do exist.
- Professional Translation Services: Steps of Process from Client's Perspective
- Basic steps of professional translation services. An overview designed specifically for translation buyers.
- Free Language Translation: Computers and Humans at Your Service
- Free language translation is usually low quality if produced by translation software. But it can be reliable and accurate if provided by professional translators. Find out more about these options.
- Language Translation Software: Past, Present, Future
- When language translation software has been invented, how it works, is it useful, what types of translation software are there – find out answers to these and other questions.
- Language Dictionary
- Language dictionary: a look into its origins, what 'dictionary' means as a word, types and families of dictionaries.
- Russian Language in Modern World
- What is the situation with the Russian language in the modern world? Is Russian as "great and powerful" today as it has been in the 19th century? This page will help to get answers.
- Ukrainian Language: Facts and FAQs
- Quick facts on the Ukrainian language. Answers to FAQs about the Ukrainian language.
- Language Translation Services: Keep In Touch With News And Views
- In need of insights to answer questions related to translation services? This page provides the latest translation industry news to help you succeed in buying or using language translation services.
- Freelance Russian Translator
- A Russian translator offers professional translation services in English-Russian, English-Ukrainian and Russian-Ukrainian language combinations.
- Contact form
- A contact page of a professional Ukrainian and Russian translator’s website that suggests tips for those who want to buy translation services.
- Foreign Languages: Links and Link Exchange
- Links and resources about foreign languages, translation and linguistics. Link exchange opportunities.
- Online Language Translation Talk: Have Your Say
- Online language translation services in tips, stories, photos, and questions. Participate and add your voice.
- Questions About Translation
- Have questions about translation? Use the Question Form on this page to ask them.
- Contribute to Language Translation
- Would you like to share your knowledge about language translation? Great, find out how you can submit your story or tip here.

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