Free Russian Translation
Free Russian Translation of Your Name
Do you know how your name is translated into Russian? The point is that in translation English names are usually transliterated (spelled with the help of the Russian alphabet). Some English names have Russian equivalents: Andrew – Андрей, Basil – Василий, Elizabeth – Елизавета, Margaret – Маргарита, Nicholas – Николай, etc. Here is a list of names used in English-speaking countries and respective Russian names - transliterations and equivalents (equivalents are marked with blue). If interested, have a look. Files are in a .pdf format.

U, V, W
X, Y, Z
Free Russian Translation by Human Translators
Looking for a human translator who provides free Russian translation is not a hopeless task. Some novice translators offer free Russian translation to get experience. On the other hand, experienced translators interested in marketing their services provide free Russian translation too.
- Free Russian Translation Help by Professional Translators, a forum that offers free English to Russian translation and Russian to English translation of short texts (
- Free Russian translations (English to Russian) provided by Evrica, a team of students from Russia (
- A professional Russian translator P. Protopopov, Ph.D. provides free Russian translation services on certain terms (
Free Russian Translation: Common Russian Words and Basic Russian Phrases
If you want to know some basic Russian phrases and common Russian words used in everyday life, here they are. Natural conversation is impossible without these speech patterns. In the column "Pronunciation" below, soft Russian consonants are marked with the sign " ' " and stressed vowels in polysyllables with the red color.
In English |
In Russian |
Pronunciation |
Free Russian Translation: Greetings |
Hello! |
Здравствуйте! or Привет! |
zdrastvuite or privet (the latter is informal) |
Good morning! |
Доброе утро! |
dobraie utra |
Good afternoon! |
Добрый день! |
dobryi den' |
Good evening! |
Добрый вечер! |
dobry vecher |
Good night! |
Спокойной ночи! |
spakoinai nochi |
Goodbye! |
До свидания! |
da svidania |
Bye! |
Пока! |
paka |
See you! |
Увидимся! |
uvidimsia |
See you later! |
До скорого! |
da skorava |
Free Russian Translation: Congratulations |
Happy birthday! |
С днём рождения! |
s dniom razhdenia |
Happy New Year! |
С Новым Годом! |
s novym godam |
Merry Christmas! |
С Рождеством! |
s razhdistvom |
Happy Easter! |
С Пасхой! |
s paskhai However, the traditional Russian Paschal greeting is as follows:
salutation: Христос воскрес(е)!(Christ has arisen!) [khristos vaskres(e)], and the reply: Воистину воскрес(е)! ((He has) truly arisen!) [vaistinu vaskres(e)] |
Congratulations! |
Поздравляю! |
pazdravliaiu |
Congratulations on your new baby boy! |
Поздравляю с новорожденным! |
pazdravliaiu s navarozhdenym |
Congratulations on your new baby girl! |
Поздравляю с новорожденной! |
pazdravliaiu s navarozhdenai |
Free Russian translation: Some love phrases |
I like you |
Ты мне нравишься |
ty mnie nravishsia |
I like you more and more all the time |
Ты мне нравишься все больше и больше |
ty mnie nravishsia vsio bol'she i bol'she |
I care for you |
Я к тебе неравнодушен or
Я к тебе неравнодушна |
ya k tibe neravnadushen (if a man is speaking) or
ya k tibe neravnadushna (if it's a woman) |
I love you |
Я тебя люблю |
ya tibia liubliu |
I love you to distraction |
Я люблю тебя без памяти |
ya liubliu tibia bez pamiati |
I do everything I can to make you love me |
Я делаю все, что могу, чтобы ты любила меня or
Я делаю все, что могу, чтобы ты любил меня |
ya delaiu vsio shta magu shtoby ty liubila minia (if a man is speaking) or
ya delaiu vsio shta magu shtoby ty liubil minia (if it's a woman) |
I want you to love me as I love you |
Я хочу, чтобы ты любила меня так же, как я тебя люблю or
Я хочу, чтобы ты любил меня так же, как я тебя люблю |
ya khachu shtoby ty liubila minia tak zhe kak ya tibia liubliu (if a man is speaking) or
ya khachu shtoby ty liubil minia tak zhe kak ya tibia liubliu (if it's a woman) |
Do you love me? |
Ты любишь меня? |
ty liubish minia |
Free Russian Translation: What to say in everyday situations |
How are you? |
Как дела? |
kak dila |
Ok; I'm ok |
Нормально |
narmal'na |
I'm fine |
Хорошо |
kharasho |
So-so |
Так себе |
tak sibe |
Bad; Badly |
Плохо |
plokha |
And you? |
А у тебя? |
a u tibia |
What is your name? |
Как вас зовут? or Как тебя зовут? |
kak vas zavut (to an unknown person) or kak tibia zavut (to a friend) |
My name is ... |
Меня зовут … |
minia zavut |
I'm pleased to meet you |
Я рад познакомиться or Я рада познакомиться |
ya rad paznakomitsa (if a man is speaking) or ya rada paznakomitsa (if it's a woman) |
Nice to meet you |
Очень приятно |
ochin' priyatna |
Can you speak English? |
Вы говорите по-английски? or Ты говоришь по-английски? |
vy gavarite pa angliski (to an unknown person) or ty gavarish pa angliski] (to a friend) |
A little |
Чуть-чуть |
chut' chut' |
Yes |
Да |
da |
No |
Нет |
niet |
Where do you live? |
Где вы живете? or Где ты живешь? |
gdie vy zhyviote (to an unknown person) or gdie ty zhyviosh (to a friend) |
I live in (the USA/Great Britain/Russia) |
Я живу в США/Великобритании/России |
ya zhyvu v seshea/velikabritanii/rasii |
Do you understand me? |
Вы понимаете меня? or Ты понимаешь меня? |
vy panimaete minia (to an unknown person) or ty panimaesh minia (to a friend) |
Of course |
Конечно |
kanieshna |
I don't understand |
Я не понимаю |
ya ni panimaiu |
I understand (I see) |
Я понимаю |
ya panimaiu |
I don't know |
Я не знаю |
ya nie znaiu |
Sorry (Excuse me) |
Извините or Извини |
izvinitie (to an unknown person) or izvini (to a friend) |
What's new? |
Что нового? |
shto novava |
Can I help you? |
Я могу вам помочь? or Я могу тебе помочь? |
ya magu vam pamoch' (to an unknown person) or ya magu tibe pamoch' (to a friend) |
Can you help me? |
Вы можете мне помочь? or Ты можешь мне помочь? |
vy mozhite mnie pamoch' (to an unknown person) or ty mozhish mnie pamoch' (to a friend) |
Thank you |
Спасибо |
spasiba |
Thank you very much |
Большое спасибо |
bal'shoe spasiba |
You are welcome (Don't mention it) (Please) |
Пожалуйста |
pazhalusta |
Come with me! |
Пойдемте со мной! or Пойдем со мной! |
paidiomte sa mnoi (to an unknown person) or paidiom sa mnoi (to a friend) |
What is this? |
Что это? |
shto eta |
How much is this? (How much?) |
Сколько это стоит? (Сколько?) (Сколько стоит?) |
skol'ka eta stoit (skol'ka) (skol'ka stoit) |
No problem! |
Без проблем |
bez prablem |
I have to go |
Мне нужно идти |
mnie nuzhna iti |
Good luck! |
Удачи! |
udachi |
The Russian alphabet is here.
In addition to the abovementioned free Russian translation options, an online Russian dictionary may be helpful in meeting needs in free Russian translations.
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Website owner: Irina Lychak, self-employed freelance linguist, Russian translator, Ukrainian translator, Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine