Bosnian Translation

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The language that used to be called Serbo-Croatian is now recognized as three separate languages - Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. All three are official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interestingly, translation of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina into these official languages has started ten years after it was written in English as Annex 4 to the Dayton-Paris Agreement of 1995.

Bosnian (or Bosniak or Bosniac) is currently considered as a standard language of Bosniaks also known as Muslim Bosnians. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks make up the majority of the population (48%) as compared with Serbs (37.1%), Croats (14.3%), and other nationalities (0.6%) (as of 2000).

Therefore, if you need to translate something for Bosnia and Herzegovina market and are not sure which language to choose, you'd be about right if you used Bosnian as a target language. However, if you already have Serbian and Croatian translations (for example, software localized into Serbian or Croatian), they will be understood by the majority of users in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnian uses almost exclusively the Latin alphabet; however, the Cyrillic alphabet is also used, but very rarely.

Average translation rates:
English to Bosnian: $0.06/word - $0.13/word
Bosnian to English: $0.06/word - $0.12/word

The translation rates differ depending on many factors, such as the country of residence of the translator, as well as the nature of the text to be translated.


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