Bible Translations Online

How many Bible translations online are there? I am not going to beat about the bush and bore you with the numbers, and the theory and practice of Bible translation. Online, you're always one click away from this information. I just want to provide a very quick overview of websites offering bible translations in many languages and to inform you of the work on the Revised English Version of the Bible.

Sites with access to bible translations online

From the World Bible Translation Center, you can download free PDF Bible files including files in less common languages. Available languages: Arabic, Awadhi, Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, English, English Version for the Deaf, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

You will find the Old Testament and the New Testament in the majority of these languages. However, some language sections contain only the New Testament.

The Bible Gateway enables reading and researching Bible translations online in the language of your choice. The site enables to search and compare passages in biblical texts based on keywords or phrases. The site provides bible translations online in 54 languages. Some language sections have two or more Bible versions. English has 23 versions.

King  James bible, bible-translations-online

Authorized King James Bible

"Acknowledged as a masterpiece of English prose and the most vivid translation of the scriptures."

Queen Elizabeth II

Over 400 years ago Prince James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England and became King James I of England. That was the time when the Christian church was a house divided against itself.

So King James authorized and financed a new translation of the Bible that was acceptable to all clerics. The new translation was named after him: the Authorized King James Bible.

The Bible was translated into English from Textus Receptus, a series of the Greek texts. The translation was made by 47 scholars. They begun their work in 1604 and completed it seven years later, in 1611. Since its first publication, the King James Bible has been translated into over 200 languages thanks to the activity of numerous missionaries. This Bible is recognized as a classical religious and literal work. It remains the most printed book in the history of the world.

If you don't have this Bible yet, it's time to download the digital King James Bible to your computer now!

Revised English Version of the Bible

The humanitarian sciences must have access to improved translations of the ancient texts.
Agni Yoga, Supermundane III, 1938

If someone is in a quandary saying, "In what way were many more mistakes made since the time of Christ - in superfluous speech or in superfluous silence?" I shall answer that in everything related to Christ and his Teaching, not that which was superfluously said or left unsaid brought much harm, but precisely the ignorant distortion of his simple statements and covenants for the sake of greed. Of great benefit would be the work of clarifying the New Testament in the light of a synthesis of all the existing spiritual Teachings.
Letters Of Helena Roerich, vol. II, 13 August 1938

Do we all use distorted translations of the Holy Scriptures? Not an original thought, actually it is common knowledge as any theologian or Bible scholar will inform you. We do not possess original words of the Scriptures. Instead, what we have is the Bible reconstructed over vast periods of time, not to mention many omissions and inaccuracies in the numerous translations from Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek.

I’ve compared the New Testament in two translations, English and Russian. There are so many contradictions in them. Moreover, if you compare different translations into the same language, for example into English (King James Version Bible, New King James Version Bible, New International Version Bible, Revised Standard Version Bible, New Revised Standard Version, New American Standard Bible, etc.), you will notice a surprisingly large number of discrepancies.

In the effort to overcome these discrepancies and more closely represent biblical truth, a group of scholars started a new Bible translation project. Just click on the arrow to play a video and learn more about this project.

Read more about Bible translations.

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_____________________________________________________________________ Website owner: Irina Lychak, self-employed freelance linguist, Russian translator, Ukrainian translator, Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine

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